You have reached the Cordell Hull Foundation Forms webpage. Here you have access to complete all forms necessary to set up a Teacher Exchange Program and provide CHF with details to produce support paperwork for a J-1 teacher visa.
Click on the following links to access fill-in forms. Then click on the SUBMIT button at the bottom of the page. After the form is generated, copy and paste it into an email window to dir@cordellhull.org
(Ctrl A, then Ctrl C, then Ctrl V to paste)
New Exchange Program Application for School, District or State
Fill out all information in the blanks. When finished, click on the SUBMIT button. Turbify has deactivated automatic transmission to CHF as of 2023. Until we can reactivate, please copy and paste the form in an email window after it is transmitted and send to dir@cordellhull.org
Ctrl A, Ctrl C, then Ctrl V to paste (PC) or Command A, Com C, Com V (Mac)
After you submit the New Program form, we will create a draft agreement (MOA) describing our working terms to set up a J-1 Exchange Teacher Visitor Program and email it to you.
For additional details, see CHF blog - J1VisaTeachExc http://j1visateachexc.blogspot.com/2011/03/j1-exchange-teachers-for-sy-2012-13.html
Cordell Hull Foundation
J-2 Dependent Roster
Complete the attached information for all dependents (spouse or child only) who will accompany you to live in the United States. Click submit, and after form is generated, copy and paste in an email to dir@cordellhull.org.
Frequently Asked Questions
Click on link for a complete list of questions. Access links quickly to brief answers about how to participate in CHF's Exchange Teacher Program.
Cordell Hull Biography
Click on link for full biography on the life of Cordell Hull.
Teacher Application Form
Click on one of the icons below to download:
English: French: Spanish:
Save the file on your computer using your last name. After completing the form, insert a digital photo. If we send you an invitation to join our program, we will trigger an email to invite you to login to our Zoho portal and set a password.
If you have a job offer and your school has not established a working relationship with the Cordell Hull Foundation yet, ask the school to fill out the New Program application (first link above) and send it as an email attachment to: dir@cordellhull.org.
Please do not send your application to this email address if you have already been invited to work in a specific school and have uploaded your application to the portal.
Teacher Perspectives
Read essays describing their experiences from current and former CHF Exchange teachers.